Saturday, May 27, 2023


The Scent

- Lalliankima Darlong

I lived in a place where terrible scent disturbed,
I endeavoured to fathom the reason behind,
I couldn’t find it out, maybe, I am too bad in finding the reason?
Or I am too lazy to find!

The bad smells makes me befuddled!
I kept on complaining to myself, I got no response!
Contemplating what shall I do!
Nothing works,
Knowing the fact that, I no longer staying where I'm now,
Somewhat it gives pleased, the bad smells still takes place,
Which literally, makes a mess of me,
Nothing works, I have no bucks to pick up an aromatic or a fragrance,
Unpleasant, weird musty lived within the room,
The scent remained, as if, like no an exit threshold,
Waiting, sometime fragrance will filled the desire,
Let all the unpleasant scent vamoose.

Even so, life has to go on!
Life goes on, to the fullest and come by heaps of experiences.

Conspectus/Critical appreciation of the poem:

Whatever we face in life, everything that we faced or yet to come are nothing permanent. In this world everything is ephemeral. It'll end soon and it'll surely fade away some time. We failed, we rise, we are discourage, again encourage, life is all about point of view. Even the thing/s that we regard as one of the most terrible/problem that we think for us, also will end someday. We all are appeal to do what we like, want, what is good for us, what makes us happy, are most important in life. Lastly, life has to go on.

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